How can companies save money through Peak Demand Shaving with integrated Solar and Battery Back-Up Peak demand shaving with integrated solar and battery backup systems can help companies save money in several ways: Overall, peak demand shaving with integrated solar and battery backup systems offers a cost-effective and sustainable solution for companies looking to reduce […]
Is there anything better than helping the earth by going green and preserving our environment? Why Recycle Light Bulbs? There are several different reasons why recycling lighting products is important. Fluorescent bulbs contain a small amount of mercury inside of them (especially the newer energy-efficient CFL bulbs). Throwing them carelessly into the trash can, dumpster […]
If you’ve walked into a Walmart recently, you’ve probably noticed that it looks different. It may not be the fixtures or the layout, but the lighting. Walmart has been replacing its bulbs with LEDs for the last few years, and now, they have 1.5 million luminaires across the country. Walmart is excited about this change, […]